There is a path from illness to wellness.

Let’s find it together.



Welcome to my little healing corner of the internet.

Leave your giant to-do list at the door for a second, and join me in imagining a You that’s

  • Comfortable

  • In control

  • Physically healthy

  • Mentally grounded

  • Ready to take on all the twists and turns life throws at you   

Pretty great, right? But if you found yourself reading that list and feeling wistful, I’m here to tell you: Its ok to not be ok right now. Life can be difficult, especially if you’re struggling with a chronic illness, stress, or the occupational phenomenon known as burnout. We all need a helping hand once in a while. Someone to meet us where we are, help us sort through our churning thoughts, and begin working out a way forward

That’s where I come in.


Hi, I’m Amy – a certified health coach who beat burn-out and learned to thrive - even with a chronic medical condition.

As a busy helping professional, I have seen the incredible things that can happen when we treat people as more than their afflictions. I also practice what I coach daily in order to stay healthy, and use my lived experience to help my clients make progress even on their worst days.


What I Do (And For Who)

I help real people living real lives feel better than they have in years via holistic 1:1 coaching.

I work with employers to improve the health of their staff, increase productivity, and save on health care costs by building sustainable health and wellness programs.


What People Are Saying

From the mud of adversity grows the lotus of joy
— Carolyn Marsden